• Anna Tahkola, Huuto II
  • Anna Tahkola: élan vital (dinosaurusluoto), lyijykynä paperille, 300 x 900 cm, 2024-25
  • Anna Tahkola: élan vital (dinosaurusluoto), yksityiskohta
  • Anna Tahkola: élan vital (dinosaurusluoto), osa teoksesta
  • Anna Tahkola: prosessi (merisätkin ja mykorritsa) grafiitti ja akvarelli paperille, 56 x 76 cm, 2025
  • Anna Tahkola, Jean-Michel, 2025, lyijykynä paperille, 76x56 cm
  • Anna Tahkola, Juulia, 2025, lyijykynä paperille, 76x56 cm

Anna Tahkola

Islands Like Mountains Like Waves

Huuto II 6.2.-2.3.2025

Anna Tahkola
Islands Like Mountains Like Waves
6 February–2 March 2025

The surface of the earth swells, ripples, surges. In the sea rests a shape, the peak of a mountain, a trace of ancient movement, a sleeping dinosaur. The being was, is.


The bladderwrack and green algae breathe to the rhythm of water movements. The brackish water-crowfoot intertwines with the fungal mycelium and pierces through the air with a delicate white flower. Light passes through the jellyfish. The jellyfish is all over the place, like a thought, like imagination.


A human-shaped outline within porous material in time. Its duration, a breath; immense movement, the traces of which are visible everywhere.


The exhibition is based on Henri Bergson’s vitalist concept élan vital, which describes “the immense inner force of life,” the creative and tireless principle of inner orientation. Bergson’s concept captures the recognizable experience of the constantly changing, living material of the world.

The starting point for my large drawings is precise observations about nature, presence and looking at things carefully. The subject matters of the works took shape while working in the Källskär residency and during my hike to Kebnekaise in the summer of 2024. In my works, I adapt and combine my landscape experiences in a layered manner. My style could be called magical realism.

I am a visual artist from Kempele, now living in Turku. I work with drawing, painting, installation, performance art and writing. I graduated from Aalto University with a Master of Art degree in 2015.

I wish to thank the Arts Promotion Centre Finland and the Varsinais-Suomi Regional Fund for supporting my work.

Welcome to the opening on 5 February from 6 pm to 8 pm!

Contact information
anna.tahkola (a) gmail.com