• Katri Sipiläinen

Katri Sipiläinen

Catch my flower!

Viiskulma 13.7.-24.7.2005

Katri Sipiläinen (b.1979) is a visual artist interested in animation and painting.

“I find opposites interesting, when seemingly different things crash and blend into each other. My work is at the same time serious and mischievous. I hooray for poetic reality, to dreams logic… for everyday life. This exhibition offers forever powerful clichés of romanticism, some bad humour, connection to underlying protoforest and ugliness, which is often much more facinating and deeper than the smoothened image offered to mainstream.

My work is intuitive and based more on sensual feelings than on
concious consepts. Roots of my action can be found on punk, nonverbal abstract painting, comics, animation storytelling and japanese ink painting.”

Thanks to Varsinais-Suomen Taidetoimikunta and Suomen Kulttuurirahasto.

Contact: +358-50-9121822/ Katri Sipiläinen