Pauliina Turakka Purhonen

Tours to the drawing sites


Pauliina Turakka Purhonen

Tours to the drawing sites

We will do a tour of the drawing sites, the trips as follows:

Pub Huvipursi, Tuesday 17.11 at 6 p.m. with Matti Peltokangas. The pub is situated on Pursimiehenkatu in Punavuori, Helsinki.

Some Plants…. documentary of the performance by Liisa Pentti & Blaue Frau shown at galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari 20.11 at approximately 17 p.m. ( after closing hours)

Taivallahden mattolaituri, the pier for washing rugs in Tölö, Merikannontie, Sunday 22.11 at noon (12 a.m.) with Seppo Renwall. We´ll meet at the parking lot by restaurant Mestaritalli 11.55.

A home in Merihaka
, Monday 23.11 at 17 p.m. with Taisto Purhonen. We´ll meet at the Merihaka K-kauppa (grocery store) at 16.55 p.m.

The Amos Anderson Museum
Wednesday 25.11 at 17 p.m. with Annmari Arhippainen. We´ll meet at the entrance, inside the building.

Bear Park Café in Karhupuisto
, Kallio, Thursday 26.11 at 17 p.m. with Emma Helle. We´ll meet at the bear-sculpture in the park.

Musiikkitalo, the Music House, Friday 27.11 at 15 p.m. with Kaj Martin. We´ll meet at the main doors by the pike-sculpture

Herttoniemi, vanha hyppyrimäki, the old skijumping site, Saturday 28.11 at 12 a.m. with Juha Nuutinen. We´ll meet at Herttoniemi metro station at 11.45. You can also caome straight to the hill which lies at the end of Majavatie.

Länsiulapanniemi, Lauttasaari, Sunday 29.11 at 13 p.m. with Kaarina Ormio. We meet at the church of Lauttasaari at approximately 12.30 p.m.

Dress according to weather when we spend time outdoors, and feel free to bring something to eat and drink. The durance of the trips vary, we stay as long as we like and keep warm. It is fall and flu season… When you want to join, check that the tour is going to happen by calling Pauliina 0400-965699