• Cecilia Grönberg & Jonas (J) Magnusson

Cecilia Grönberg, Jonas (J) Magnusson

ISBN 91-974478-9-7 (RGB / BTJ / GBG)

Viiskulma 8.6.-19.6.2005

”’A black, E white, I red, etc.
The visual interpretation of the vocals by Rimbaud, why wouldn’t one extend it to the consonants? Evidently you can’t attribute a certain colour to a consonant. But isn’t it obvious that each one of them, that each letter in general has a different dynamics, that it doesn’t operate in the same way, that it is possible to compare it to a device that in its unique form can be used in every possible manner?’
I think that Raymond Roussel could have repeated this reflection by Paul Claudel, and that he could have said, with a few modifications: ’The visual interpretation of the vocals and the consonants by these two poets, why wouldn’t one extend it to language in general? Isn’t it obvious that each moment of language has a different dynamics, that it doesn’t operate in the same way, that it is possible to compare it to a device that in its multiple forms can be used in every possible manner?’”
(Jacques Sivan)

ISBN 91-974478-9-7 (RGB / BTJ / GBG) is a ”book” in the form of an exhibition. The ”book” / the exhibition focuses on the materiality of the worn, frayed protective covers in different colours that the Swedish Bibliotekstjänst (BTJ) binds library books in.

The BTJ logotype consists of three books in three separate colours: red, green and blue (RGB), which is also the colour system used for example by computer monitors (while the CMYK colour system is used for offset printing).

The book covers that constitute the conceptual ”book” / the exhibition ISBN 91-974478-9-7 (RGB / BTJ / GBG) are selected from the book collections in the main library and in the university library of Gothenburg (GBG).

ISBN 91-974478-9-7 (RGB / BTJ / GBG) is the first in a series of alternative book exhibitions inscribed in the framework of an aesthetical and critical reflection on the form of the ARCHIVE in theory and practice.