• leppa

Sanna Leppä


Viiskulma 31.1.-11.2.2007

“Lovebirds” studies the human relationship, and themingling expectationsand disappointments within it.With the focus on everyday items, the worksdisplay the gender roles in transition withoutflinching humour oraggravation.The exhibition consists mainly of sculptures made withmixedtechniques.

The fascinating thing about sculpture is the possibility to use alreadyexisting items that are intrinsically loaded with different kinds ofmental impressions Good examples are the cleaning equipment and the tools,which tend to be either feminine or masculine in our thoughts, aslogically as in German grammar(= extremely logically).

For instance in “Toolbox” the tools have transformed into china and someof them are already broken into pieces, reflecting the regeneratingconcept of a man. The man witnesses that his traditional means andinstruments of power are falling apart. He is also,more and more, seen asa mere “toolbox”, an object of the woman’s emancipating sexuality andpower.

And since we’re talking about the two sexes we cannot bypass the discourseabout values. Hence, it is surely in place topoint out that the artist isneither a feminist nor a chauvinist, whichprobably leads to both of thecamps getting fuel for their fire from thisexhibition. That is good sincelife’s not easy in either of the camps nowadays. Maybe that is equality.

Sanna Leppä studies sculpture in the Masterof Fine Arts -program at theAcademy of Fine Arts. Recently her works have been displayed at theArtists’ Annual Exhibition in 2006(Artists’ Association of Finland) andat the Purnu 2006 summer exhibition in Orivesi. “Lovebirds” is SannaLeppä’s first private exhibition.

Contact: Sanna Leppä +358 45 6 555777 firstname.lastname(at)pp.inet.fi