Siiri Korhonen
Niko Wearden’s performance in the opening 9th Jan at 6.30 pm
Hävikkiaika (“waste time”) is about the nights before the start of a new week, the minutes of early mornings scraped together, the hours of holidays and Sundays when society’s attention is elsewhere. On the edges of daily structures, abandoned and salvaged wood and sticky glue paint turn into creatures that fall somewhere between human and animal, being taken apart and put together, drawing and painting, strange and familiar, used and new.
Hävikkiaika is sculptor Siiri Korhonen’s (b. 1992, Oulu) first solo exhibition.
Riikka Laaksoharju (textile technology)
Emilia Vesterinen (texts and research)
Sauli Tvaltvadze (AV and logistics)
The exhibition has been supported by:
Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Finnish Art Society
Contact information:
+358 402189111