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Kari Kärkkäinen


Jätkä 2 9.7.-24.7. 2016

Kari Kärkkäinen
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari, Jätkä 2
9-24 July 2016

The sculptures featured in Kari Kärkkäinen’s (b. 1962) Beliefs exhibition were inspired by docent of religious studies Risto Pulkkinen’s book Suomalainen kansanusko, based on the beliefs that were crying out to be sculpted. The works are rather large, mainly made of wood and naturally fitting with the theme, created using different techniques. They are the result of a 20-year career studying the nature of wood.

We think that old-time beliefs are silly and feel that our lives are more real. However, as Risto Pulkkinen writes in his book, an ancient hunter did not believe that there was an elf in the forest but he instead knew that there was an elf in the forest. Thus, in the future, some of the things that we know will be proved to be beliefs because people act on the basis of their beliefs.

Kari Kärkkäinen
050 5720956