• Leena Kangaskoski: Yksikkö
  • Leena Kangaskoski: Yksikkö
  • Leena Kangaskoski: Yksikkö
  • Leena Kangaskoski: Yksikkö
  • Leena Kangaskoski: Yksikkö

Leena Kangaskoski

Unit – Mind and Body Dance

Pikkujätkä 13.9.-28.9.2014

Leena Kangaskoski
Yksikkö – Mielen ja kehon tanssi
13 – 28 September 2014
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari, Pikkujätkä

Unit investigates what is taking place in the mind and in the body when one is struck with anxiety or a new insight pops into awareness. The film depicts a dancer dressed in a moving sound producing costume, embodying the mind and the body. The use of totemistic costumes draws it’s inspiration from the shamanistic tradition, in which the mask contains the expressed creature. Another influence is a strong interrelatedness of the mind and the body: thinking changes the physical structure of the brain, which impacts the mind, which impacts bodily experience, which impacts thinking etc. There to experience is a self: observer, soul, consciousness.

In the scene of the mind, the dancer’s costume has two sides, a lit front, conscious mind, and a dark back, unconscious mind. A shifting borderline between the two is created from black drinking straws. Things and thoughts arrive as ping pong balls in fluctuating intervals.

The protagonist of the scene of the body is a cell. Inside the internal realm of flesh and fluid, the cell is happy and alive. The liquid filled costume splashes, stretches and bounces, while the cell carries out it’s biological dance.

But where does the body begin and the mind end?

Dance artist: Auri Ahola
Sounds: Leena Kangaskoski, Matti Kangaskoski ja Tuomas Timonen
Support: Taiteen Edistämiskeskus

Leena Kangaskoski
050 4025 264