• Alina Sakko
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The dance artist Alina Sakko practises her improvisation in Galleria Huuto for an hour

Thu 18 April at 4.30 pm
pe 19 April at 4.30 pm
la 20 April at 1 pm and 4 pm

The dance takes place at and with the exhibiton all-in-between by Elisa Sakko.

You can witness the practice for as a long as you feel like, come and go as you please.

I practice presence which I think for me means being fully something at every moment now and again. I practice being looked at and not altered even though I don’t think it’s possible nor necessary desirable but somehow it feels important. Thank you for making the practice possible by being here. In this dance I’m in a constant negotiation of who or what is taking or being given space.

Thank you Samuel Huber Art Foundation for money which means time which means space for questions to appear.

(Photographs: Arnaud Beelen, Tictac Art Centre, and Suvi Honkanen)