• Iida Valkonen, Galleria Huuto
  • Iida Valkonen: Yksityiskohta teoksesta Kuvitteellisen havaintojen kokoelma, 2021
  • Iida Valkonen: Muuntuva maisema 2021, hiilipiirros seinään
  • Iida Valkonen: Muuntuva maisema 2021, hiilipiirros seinään

Iida Valkonen


Huuto I 2.4.-25.4.2021

Iida Valkonen

Galleria Huuto is open on Easter!
On Good Friday 2nd of April 2021, on Saturday 3rd of April and on Easter Sunday 4th of April the gallery is open as usual 12-5 pm.

What was the world built of?

I close my eyes and listen. I feel the wind murmuring around me, bending branches and the grass. It is dark and all I can see are shadows and silhouettes, but I feel everything more strongly, as if I were part of all this and had returned to the starting point and become part of space.

My works depict my thoughts on the way I experience and observe the environment. I feel that an observation includes more than just the elements that can be sensed from the outside, as an observation is the sum of many factors.


Iida Valkonen (b. 1989) lives and works in Kuopio, Finland. Her works often deal with themes related to observations, one’s environment and drawing. She is a member of the Association of Finnish Printmakers. She earned her Master of Fine Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts.

The exhibition has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.