• Paavo Paunu, Galleria Huuto
  • Paavo Paunu: Palava pensas, kuva Jukka Lehtovaara
  • Paavo Paunu: Palava pensas, kuva Jussi Tiainen
  • Paavo Paunu: Hyppy
  • Paavo Paunu: Pallo
  • Paavo Paunu: Puu
  • Paavo Paunu: Tyhjät hyllyt

Paavo Paunu

The Burning Bush

Huuto I 4.3.-27.3.2022

Paavo Paunu
The Burning Bush

The exhibition depicts a dream of one’s own place, a haven of tranquility somewhere. It is a combination of sculpture, painting and a human’s primitive need to be part of nature.

The works are made of wood. It contains traces of the passing of time, as the growth rings are signs of the repetitive rhythm of life. Wood is like time itself, at the extreme points of germinati-on, growth and death.

Nature is an actor that generates meanings, communicates and is active. The relationship between the beauty of nature and the reality created by humans is contradictory, as it is an encounter between perfect nature and imperfect humanity.

Paavo Paunu has been graduated from the Painting Department at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 1990. He works with paintings, sculptures and installations. Paunu probes the re-lationship between painting and sculpture. Paunu`s production is not limited by the conventi-onal tools of sculpture or painting, nor by any obvious role models, genres or references to theoretical sources. The sound of his works resonates from further away, from out of his own world, which is, nevertheless, human reality. Ideas of differences, boundaries and transcen-dence of them arise out of the works inner world.

Thanks to Arts Promotion centre Finland
