• Karolina Kucia - Parasitic
  • Karolina Kucia

Karolina Kucia


Projektitila 17.10.-27.10.2014

The Frame of Reference

Parasitic is artistic practice and production. Parasitic is series of objects, actions, sites and inhabiting relationships between them. Parasitic is about creative labour, production of knowledge and economy of events. Parasitic is based on mutant or incomplete existences that are sometimes only compatible, sometimes even functional and sometimes dysfunctional community.
Parasitic is also a portrait of a mental state and productivity of a freelance creative worker. 

In Project Room I will be interviewing other workers (come, if interested – info below), planning and developing objects – Parasitic Furniture and Parasitic Architecture pieces and working on Parasitic Performance. For Parasitic Performance I am also employing for free two cockroaches.

Project room time is for recognizing the frame of reference and for struggle with own cynicism, narcissism, opportunism, and anxiety to become useful part.

Come! Visit me in Project Room during the gallery opening hours
Join during one of the special events!

1. Schedule your appointment for interview about work, labour structure and parasites. I am serving microwaved “Thai cube” lunch + coffee or tea, sometimes even cookies. Interview last 1 h. 
Contact: karol.ku(at)gmail.com

2. See and comment demo of Parasitic Performance in Huuto Gallery
19.10. at 12.00
25.10. at 15.00

3. See a bit during Pieni Esitystaide Pecha Kucha 2.10 at 19.00 – Ihana Baari, Tiivistämo, Suvilahti

4. Come to finale!
Parasitic Performance at Mad House 27.10 at 19.00, Tiivistämo, Suvilahti

More info about Parasitic project:

Karolina Kucia
My works are performances and organizational experiments in context of art production, collapse of meaning, sanity and power structures.
I like to create paradoxical or parasitical systems of subject-objects. Performer’s is subject-object playing cultural production and politics in condition of precarious labour. I look for moments of disruption. I work with event of lapse, slip and stutter. I like to look through the technical decrease, loosing quality and good-looking face. I like to let those elements govern the process of becoming. I reanimate them back into the an a…a….ar….aar……t work.
I work with what is. Wishes are wishes. Illusions are illusions. Ehh, it takes so slow to look at each thing, see it, understand how does it work and what can it do and put it back in its place. I work with anti-metaphor – rather a joke. I work with stupidity, silliness, shame, awkwardness and confusion. I develop some strange love for little mistakes and social awkwardness as well as for the dirt. They are my ground.
