• Monaco - Punaisen planeetan kuu
  • Latvia - Valkosolut koholla
  • Peru - Punanahka
  • Tonga - Punaista lihaa
  • Sveitsi - Rothschildin rubiinit
  • Tanska - Valkonaaman vesivahinko
  • Tunisia - Arabikevät
  • Bahrain - Punaista lihaa
  • Gruusia - Granaattiomena
  • Indonesia - Rafflesia, sademetsän eksoottinen kukka

Annu Kapulainen

Red and White Countries

Jätkä 1 15.11.-30.11.2014

Annu Kapulainen
Red and White Countries
Galleria Huuto Jätkäsaari 1
15 – 30 November 2014

I have named the works included in this series after countries whose flags only contain red and white. The pictures have been mainly selected intuitively. Some of my works are my own images of a certain country, while others may have been inspired by the simple design of the flag. I got the idea for the series in Austria where I spent one month as an artist in residence during 2010. This exhibition at Galleria Huuto will be the first time all of my works in the Red and White Countries series are on display together.

The common theme throughout the works is a human. Through the anatomical details and historical references the series can be seen as a story of humanity. Power in its different forms or the lack thereof is one of the core themes. I have designed the series so that the works engage in a dialogue with each other and I also hope that the exhibition arouses new associations among the audience.

Some of my works are more painting-like, exploring the different shades of red and white, while others are more graphic and emphasize the role of drawing. A black charcoal piece that still shows the linen canvas in places also creates an individual element.

I am interested in the symbolism of the color red, particularly the inner conflict of bright red as it simultaneously represents opposite aspects such as the nobility and proletariat, secular and religious, love and hate. The color red really stands out on a white canvas, but the color white itself also brings up interesting elements when next to red – as an opponent or as a sparring partner. The combination of red and white simply fascinates me.

Annu Kapulainen
tel. +358 (0)40 511 2011