• Eeva Hannula
  • Eeva Hannula: The edges of waves tear
  • Eeva Hannula: Can all time be reduced to a line and a circle
  • Eeva Hannula: Black Veins
  • Eeva Hannula: Windtalk bends the frequence of silence
  • Eeva Hannula: Be nice

Eeva Hannula

Amorphous Writings

Huuto I 23.11.-16.12.2018

Eeva Hannula
Amorphous Writings
23.11. – 16.12.2018

Open as usual on Independence Day 6.12.2018 at 12-5 pm.

The endless beating soil of images. The easiness of signs, on the other hand their weight. Conflicts between order and formlessness. Amorphous flows and halting of signs. Signs flying around, hard and fragile paradoxes. Hybrids. Resisting abstract expression and giving in to it. Unfinished transformations, cross-exposures and the cycle of metaphors.

Amorphous Writings is an exhibition based on my book of the same name which will be presented in connection with the exhibition. The book features photographs, digital photograph collages, poems, visual poems as well as photographs of drawings. The inner space of the book and the physical exhibition space are two parallel entities linked by a network of associations. Through the poems and visual elements, a collage combining different techniques is created in the space.

For me artistic work is about writing, finding my own language, producing signs, the primary meaning of something breaking and being rewritten. Writing is about surging towards unknown meanings, while images serve as a writing platform, as compact formations similar
to words. In my works I pursue an unspoken area, the body’s own sign language, by mixing abstract with figurative, breaking the usual form of text and combining photographs with hybrid marks. Marks drawn on the surface of a photograph violate the integrity of the images, building a new layer for the eyes to see. Handwritten text loses its original purpose and shows, as a drawing, the visual nature of the writing without readable content, thus becoming asemic. A memory trace turns into a rebuilt image, a photograph develops further into a memory trace.

For me, different marks are writings, fragments that create metaphors. Making marks is expressive and associative, gestures of improvisation, aggression, chance and destruction. The subconscious tangles up, leaving its mark on images and words. The exhibition features notes of incompleteness, a lack of outlines, pursuit and the boundaries of a photograph. The images, lines and words look for places in my works where they could escape a strict structure. On the other hand, they seek a space where meaning and form can become compact and find their weight. The book presented in connection with the exhibition has been supported by the National Council for the Visual Arts (Arts Promotion Centre Finland).

Eeva Hannula earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the Turku Arts Academy in 2012 and Master’s degree in photography from Aalto University in 2017. She has also studied esthetics and literature at the University of Helsinki. Hannula’s most recent solo exhibitions were The Farther I Remember at Sous Les Etoiles Gallery in New York (2015) and The Choreography of Uncertainty at Künstlerhaus Bethanien in Berlin (2016). She is currently studying creative writing at Critical Academy.

hannulaeeva(at)gmail.com, 0505449026