• Sakarja
  • Obadja
  • Jesaja
  • Hesekiel
  • Debora

Gunzi Holmström


Uudenmaankatu 27.5.-14.6.2015

Gunzi Holmström

alleria Huuto Uudenmaankatu

27. May–14 June 2015

Gunzi Holmström’s delicate watercolor paintings take the artist to a new level. The abstract thoughts suddenly began to appear on paper as colors and shapes that she does not try to explain. The exhibition includes Holmström’s latest works that she began to create during her artist-in- residence period in Paris during the spring of 2015 and continued working with since then.

The paintings as well as the installation included in the exhibition take the audience through abstraction to a timeless dimension where things always appear new and reformed, as if seen through the eyes of a child. When looking at Holmström’s works, one can sense that they have been inspired by the image worlds of different spiritual movements as they bring together universal structures as well as symbols through which she explores light and a visible and invisible world.

The exhibition offers the audience a reminder that at its best art is contemplation and it allows us to build a bridge towards spirituality.

– Visual artist Soili Mustapää

Visual artist Gunzi Holmström lives and works in Helsinki. She has had numerous exhibitions in Finland and abroad over the past twenty years.

The exhibition has been supported by Svenska kulturfonden and Konstsamfundet.

Further information:
Gunzi Holmström
040 7596851
gunholmstrom (at) gmail.com