• Rosselló Ramón Margarita, Blending, 2022

Margarita Rosselló Ramón

Colourboratory vol. V

Huuto I 14.10.-6.11.2022

Margarita Rosselló Ramón
Colourboratory vol. V
14 October–6 November 2022

The Colourboratory Vol. V exhibition consists of small studies that focus on the colours of security from the perspective of social science research. The use of colours is not innocent, and colours are an integral part of human activities and the formation of meanings. Colours are often so obvious that you may not pay attention to them. The use of colours does, however, have social and political impacts that are not noticed if colours are ignored. The exhibition examines the police, armed forces, flags and everyday views of security. It makes the connection between security and threats visible. The flags of the war in Ukraine, the social media framework, the camouflage colours of uniforms and the armbands worn by the troops are textbook examples of how colours matter in both warfare and international politics. Increased police presence gives some people an increased sense of security, while others may be provoked by visually excessive police presence.
This exhibition is the fifth part of the exhibition series that explores these themes. The exhibitions are based on the work of an international team of researchers in the field of international politics, led by Professor Juha A. Vuori from the University of Tampere, and thus they cross the boundaries of art and science. The exhibition and the artist’s work have been supported by the Kone Foundation and the University of Turku.

Margarita Rosselló Ramón (b. 1982) earned her Master of Arts degree from the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and has also studied textile design. Textiles as a material and textile-based handicraft techniques are often present in her works, creating a view that is both soft and hard, sometimes even a conflict. Recycled materials and readymade items, on the other hand, tell us about their own history while becoming intertwined with the themes of the works.
